Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bye-Bye Pacifier, Hello Bat!

I love this picture! About 4 days ago, Caleb begrudgingly said goodbye to his pacifier. We did the same thing we did with Jonah, but for some reason Caleb did not take it quite as well. We cut the hole in the pacifier, and that's supposed to make them gradually dislike the pacifier. Well, Caleb did not follow the rules and as soon as he put that pacifier in his mouth, out it went flying across the room with a huge protest involved too! The first night was a pretty tough one, but then we got the bat. You can see it in the picture, it's just his size. As soon as we got it for him it's hardly left his hands. Now, we just put his bat in his bed at night and off to sleep he goes. And he's already prepared if a burglar breaks in too! You can also see his pants in the picture, that's also a new thing. He takes off his pants when he gets into bed, who knows why?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Last Few Days

Just an update on the last few days in our life! Nothing too exciting, but I just felt like posting.

Last Thursday, Jonah and I went with his preschool class to the Gainesville Zoo. And you know what - I forgot my camera so you can just imagine how cute he was looking at all the animals! We even got to ride a train and play at a gigantic playground. It was a great day altogether.

Jonah also had a fun day the other day with Daddy. Adam needed to mail something and Jonah wanted to ride his bike, so off they went riding their bikes to the post office. I figured I would see Adam halfway down the street carrying both the bike and Jonah, but about an hour later I see Jonah sprinting down the road. They had ridden 2 miles, and taken a few rests of course! But Jonah still had the energy to sprint home! Oh what I would give for that energy!

Caleb is also just blossoming (I guess a boy can blossom!). In the last month he has really stepped up the talking - we can understand about a 1/3 of it now, and the rest is Calebeze language. He definitely knows what he's saying and he has a lot to say too. He loves to give kisses and fives and he still loves to play ball. I think he's a little obsessed with balls myself, but it's really cute! At Wal-Mart I try to avoid the ball aisle altogether, because it becomes a very loud and passionate chorus of "BALL, BALL, BALL"! He's not very into eating fruit, I have to sneak it if I do give it to him, but he loves meat and cheese!! He'll even eat most vegetables as long as he's in the mood. He LOVES music and he'll break down dancing anywhere there's a tune. In fact in Applebee's last night he entertained the whole middle of the restaurant with a little jig! He's such a determined little man and I love to watch his little personality develop.

I went to my OB doctor yesterday, and everything is still looking great with the baby. I got to hear the heartbeat again - still 158. The baby kept kicking the little doppler scope because we could hear a little thud every so often. That's my kind of baby - feisty already! We get to hopefully find out the sex of the baby May 12th!

To sum it all up, we had a very small-town day yesterday. When we got home from picking up Jonah from preschool we noticed that the road workers were laying the asphalt on our road. For those of you who've ever visited us, you know that our road has been long past due for re-paving. So we sat out in our lawn chairs, the boys and me, and we ate popsicles. Caleb ate all his popsicle and then without missing a beat, immediately came and grabbed mine from my hand and ate it! We were covered in sticky from head to toe, all sitting there watching these big machines. It was definitely only something you'd enjoy if you live in a small town!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

1/3 of the Way!!

Today marks the beginning of my second trimester. I am starting to feel a little more energy, praise the Lord! It's bad enough when you're not pregnant and you don't have enough energy to keep up with your kids - but multiply that times 10 for a few months and you look back and wonder how you made it through! I think we all have a little more fortitude in us than we give ourselves credit for!
I don't really remember everything that has happened in the last few weeks, but here's some pictures from our Renewal last weekend. It was kind of like a revival, but mainly for our own church members. The Lord blessed it so much, and so many people renewed their relationship with Christ in some way. We had some college friends, Matt & Andi, come up and lead the worship, and they brought their 2 beautiful kids too that we had never met. They had never met our kids either, so it was so interesting to see little miniature versions of everyone. Here's some pictures of the kids playing, since none of us adults really like the spotlight of the camera anymore.

Asher and Caleb: what could they be talking about?

Nevaeh and Jonah found a great clubhouse! Isn't she so cute - she gets her looks from her momma.

You can't get 4 preschoolers together without a little rock throwing into puddles!

Sweet Asher! Doesn't he look renewed? I think we were all pooped after an eventful weekend!

I love this picture - I hope this is not symbolic of Jonah dating later! Jonah and Nevaeh became the best of friends that weekend. Jonah still asks when Nevaeh can come back!