I came around the corner the other day and this is what I found - two little munchkins popping out of the laundry hamper "Surprise!". I love the fact that they are starting to actually play together now. Caleb is also starting to say all kinds of new words like, "nana' (banana), "mo cheeth" (more cheese - which is his favorite right now), juith (juice), shooths (shoes), and all kinds of other cute phrases that I can't at all remember right now. There's also a lot of
"plgbvvspalkapoiejalkjieo" that none of us are real sure what it is but Caleb is very sure! I'm hoping that Caleb will actually be able to carry on a conversation soon, to help take some of the "conversation time" with his wordy older brother.
"plgbvvspalkapoiejalkjieo" that none of us are real sure what it is but Caleb is very sure! I'm hoping that Caleb will actually be able to carry on a conversation soon, to help take some of the "conversation time" with his wordy older brother.
Well, I spent this last weekend painting my kitchen and living room. It's amazing how filthy your walls get with two little ones. It was definitely an undertaking and I volunteered for the job, because I love to paint (theoretically, but not at the moment) and frankly I'm just plain faster than Adam! So my great husband Adam toted the kids around while I was busy at home. I think I painted for about 20 hours over a 2 day period. Needless to say, I was pooped and my whole body hurt from constantly staying in one position. It looks so great though and I'll post pictures when I have a couple more touch ups done. I actually had fun for the most part, just being alone and listening to podcasts of all my favorite preachers and listening to great worship music. I told Adam I think I needed a break to myself, because I would have enjoyed shoveling maneur at that point! Adam enjoyed the first day of kidwatching - but I think the second day they gave him a run for his money! I'm so thankful to have a husband who always supports and helps whenever he can - that is definitely not the norm. We even got to stay a couple of nights at a local family's "missionary house" that they provide for missionaries on furlough. It was open at the time, so we spent a couple of nights out there away from the paint smell. It was so relaxing and it was encouraging to see such a lovely home with so much love put into it, reserved specifically for those in ministry. What a beautiful heart that family has! I should have taken a picture of it - but give me a break - I WAS a little pooped!
When we got back to the newly painted house - Adam and I got on our usual spree of changing all the furniture around in our living spaces. We think we are a little obsessed with the whole changing things in our home because a few times a year we just have to switch stuff around. We did a little counseling session with ourselves, and we think it's just our need to see a concrete and visual improvement quickly. For those of you in ministry, sometimes those feel few and far between, so I guess that's how we cope! I guess that's better than a straight jacket or drugs! A good reminder that God always knows what we need, whether great or small! We're still convinced we're a little crazy though!
When Caleb says, "plgbvvspalkapoiejalkjieo" he is saying "I love my Tootsie."
It won't be long before you will be having Jonah interpret what Caleb is saying. For some reason, big brother seems to understand before mom and dad.
Seeing the boys in the laundry basket reminded me of when my sister and I were hiding under the clothes in the laundry basket from my Granny, while we were playing hid and seek. It was in the closet and it was really hot in there. Granny opened the door and said, "Girls, are you in here?" I wanted out of there, so I said, "No ma'am." Aunt Beckie was not happy with me for giving our good hiding place away.
It really isn't the norm for Dad's to do all that Adam does with the boys. I'm just so happy for all four of you, each giving so much to the family.
Can't wait to see your paint job. Glad you had the alone time, I know you needed it.
Love you.
Ask the little guy's dad if he
remembers playing with laundry. He
was inspecting our new residence one time and jumped into a little
hole in the bathroom upstairs...only to find himself
sliding down the laundry shoot and
landing on the washer downstairs.
The Barker boys have a thing about
laundry! Know your new paint job
looks great; what color? Love, GG
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