Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My New Favorite Quote

This is my new favorite quote:

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'
Update on the Barker clan:
Jonah is over his stomach virus, but somehow got an abcess and staph infection on his bottom during the whole process! We've had a hard day at the doctor to say the least, but hopefully we're on the downhill now. Pray that the infection is all gone, so we don't have to go get it lanced tomorrow! I think we get ever weird sickness that there is!


Momma B. said...

Man! That's tough. Poor Jonah, at least he's getting it all over with, right? We will say a prayer for him and his sick bottom. The girls will enjoy that one!

Anonymous said...

That's now my favorite quote, too. I've never heard it before, thanks for sharing it. Glad you and boys are doing better. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you Mandy. I miss
your notes in between times. Sorry
Jonah has had his health issues.
We really loved seeing you all in
Dallas. Thanks for driving down to
meet us.
I'll bet Caleb had as much fun playing "ball" as the other kids
did in finding the eggs.
I love your quote. Love to you and your three guys. Ganmama/GG