Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week in Review

Well, let me catch you up on the last week of our lives! We've had a pretty "regular" week, but there were some fun highlights I thought I'd share!

One highlight of the week was my birthday celebration. We didn't really celebrate my birthday on Wednesday because that is such a busy day for us, so Adam officially made my birthday on Friday! I woke up to a wonderful breakfast made by my husband and the boys. Then I enjoyed a nice, long bubble bath ALONE!! You never appreciate alone time to its fullest until you have little ones around. It was pure heaven just sitting there in the silence! The bad part is I found out later in the day that we weren't supposed to be using the water. There was a warning out on the water for that day and we were supposed to be boiling any water we used! I haven't grown a third arm yet, so hopefully I'm in the clear. Overall, I think it was worth the risk to have a little bit of alone time! (I can hear all the moms quietly agreeing with that statement!) Later that day my friend, Mary took me for a pedicure and we went out to eat together and just had girl time! A much needed break from "mommyhood"! It was a pretty great birthday!

Let me explain some of the pictures posted:

This is Jonah's interpretation of his made up superhero alias "Comet Boy". It was imperative that Comet Boy wear a yellow cape (since everyone knows that's what he wears!?), so I found an old yellow towel that did the trick!

Caleb, my little music guy, walked around the house for about an hour playing this harmonica! He would even do little dances to his music! I'm afraid he gets his dance moves from me, poor guy!

I walked in on Jonah creating this Spiderman zipline. He called it something else, but it was at least an hour of focused playtime, so I was excited! Jonah likes to create contraptions out of anything around the house. I can never find the tie to my robe, because it's always attached to one of these contraptions! That's boys for ya! Do you like the toilet paper scattered on the floor behind him? Caleb seems to like to make towers out of all the spare toilet paper, and sometimes I let him, because it keeps him busy!

This is Caleb feeding himself with a spoon for the first time! He is such an independent little man now - he wants to do everything on his own!

He got a little tired of that slow process, so he resorted to THIS!

This is Jonah after he fell asleep tonight! Lately, we go in there at night and seem to find him in a different strange position! Tonight he decided to create a mountain of stuffed animals and sleep on that! I think it's just his last attempt to have control of something that day!


Anonymous said...

What a precious and fun time, Mandy! Thanks so much for keeping us in the daily loop, we love it. Yes, the water was worth it, even a silent and alone mud bath would have been worth it.

These pictures are priceless. Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Great hero characteristics. I know the independence can be trying but it is wonderful thing for a child to experience. What's a little food on the clothes and floor. :)You are doing so great, Mom.

Thank you for sharing.

Love you always,

Anonymous said...

Mandy, when the boys got a little older, I bought a box of those anchor things that hold down tarps, so they would use those to build things. It helped with keeping my belts and robe belts. I also found a bunch of men's ties and they loved that. Garage sale, wash and hand over. As you know, it doesn't stop with age. :)

Anonymous said...

I look forward to every word of
your news!These are adorable! You have two creative little sweetie pies. It must help a bunch to have Tootsie to suggest things like ties v.s. your bathrobe belt! Sounds like these boys are following in their dad's foot steps.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving. Love, GG