- You only have time to grab something to drink for breakfast and the only thing you can find is a blue Kool-Aid Kool Burst drink - and you have to rub the blue off your lips before heading into the doctor's office.
- You find a caramel dipping sauce package from McDonalds in your purse, and you're not surprised and actually a little excited.
- You notice yourself singing along with the little kids on the cd in the car
- Your husband has to help you zip your pants all the way in the morning, but you're really excited because you are finally getting back into pre-pregnancy clothes.
- You ate fruit cocktail for lunch!
- You spend WAY more time getting everyone else ready in the morning than yourself, and you're really excited when your hair can fit back into a ponytail because it makes getting ready all the faster.
- You actually enjoy a kiss from the chili-cheese covered mouth of a certain red-headed little boy.
- The closest you get to Alone time is actually driving your kids to their well-visit and turning on a movie in the back for them and just enjoying the peace up front.
- You get giddy when your kids finally go down for a nap!
- Your sidewalks at your house are covered in chalk drawings, and you actually secretly want to show everyone the picture that you drew.
All of these things actually happened to me today...I just thought I'd share and see if any of you moms out there can identify!
Okay...no kidding, as I was writing this my two year old little darling puts a Tic-Tac up his nose and it took me 20 minutes to get it out! I guess add that to the list!!